Welcome to Adele Mary, Educational Consultancy. I have worked in UK secondary schools for almost 20 years in a variety of functions. My subject specialism is Chemistry, although I have also taught vocational subjects: Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Care and Functional Skills. From 2018, I began specialising in Alternative Provision and have an appreciation for the challenges that both staff and students face in providing a balanced and appropriate education for all. I am a champion for all students, and believe that we have the capability as teacher and leaders, to create an inclusive and thriving learning environment. In my school leadership roles I have trained staff in Safeguarding, Behaviour, Neuroplasticity and Change Management . Please read on to find details of my expertise and where I can offer solutions to your setting.
A Brief outline of services:
- Behaviour change management with a trauma led approach
- Leadership mentoring and Coaching
- Consultancy: Educational Assessment
- INSET, Training materials and Departmental Branding
- Welcoming AI Technology
- Developing outdoor learning spaces
behaviour change management with a trauma-led approach
Would you like to reduce exclusions, increase attendance or lead a culture change within your setting?
Nationally, the most common reason for exclusion is persistent disruptive behaviour. Whilst exclusions cannot be avoided, with an appropriate strategy in place exclusions may be reduced and in an ideal world, eliminated entirely. Trauma is complex and can result in behaviour which is not desirable in mainstream schools. The context of every school differs but there are solutions. The most effective involves the buy in of the entire staff body with specialists supporting where low level intervention fails. I have experience developing discrete alternative provisions, leading behaviour, managing seclusions to other sites and liaising with local authorities to get the most out of funding for vulnerable students.
Leadership Mentoring and coaching
For many years I mentored training Science teachers with great success and then I went on to mentor subject leaders and peers. My emotional literacy allows me to get the best out of individuals. I stand by the phrase “if you want whats best for someone, tell them the truth. If you want something for yourself, tell them what they want to hear”. Mentoring can involve some incredibly positive and uplifting moments. However, if advice is not constructive, truthful and delivered with empathy, mentoring can lose its focus and be detrimental to development. My experience has allowed me to mentor staff at different levels of experience and seniority. Get in touch if you would like to implement a peer mentoring strategy or want to implement a coaching programme for your leadership team.
Educational Assessment
Do you require consultation on vocational or academic assessment?
I have over a decade of experience developing assessment materials for vocational subjects and creating assessments for Science in a workplace setting. Terminology, and strong subject pedagogy are key elements in this process. I possess both logical and creative capabilities enabling me to create Robust materials which perform well in practice and when quality assured. Accuracy in Chemistry assessment has allowed me to progress to the role of senior examiner for GCSE Chemistry. This role requires the scrutiny and quality assurance of the mark scheme and accurate monitoring of the assessment of 8 experienced examiners per paper.
INSET, training materials and departmental branding
As specialists we often know how to create visually engaging materials for our subject areas. As leaders, keen to convey an important serious matter to staff, we sometimes forget to add engaging visual design to our training, or the materials differ widely from one leader to another. I would like to help your leadership team brand your training materials and develop an engaging CPL calendar: clear, concise, succinct and successful. Alternatively, I offer a visual boost service where I may create engaging visuals or infographics for existing presentations.
In addition, departmental branding can play an important factor in developing a whole school ethos and conducive environment for learning. In particular, schools with higher levels of EAL or SEN students, the non-verbal environment. Colour schemes and symbols, help maintain a safe and peaceful place where learning can thrive. Staff are very creative and produce beautiful displays in their classrooms. Do all departments as a whole consider how their area offers inclusivity or are individual teachers expected to take ownership? Does the environment also reflect consistently in the training materials? I can provide guidance and support in departmental branding and give an iterative approach for improvement.
welcoming AI technology
When the calculator was first created, there were concerns that it would prevent children and adults from learning and properly. It is now viewed as a powerful tool which can actually speed up the calculation of complex equations, opening up more possibilities for further Mathematical exploration.
We are in a similar position now with the rise of AI technology. It appears to be something which is here to stay. Let me work with your infrastructure to develop ways in which we can prepare staff and students to use this technology responsibly and keep them ahead of the curve; reducing administrative burden and enhancing critical thinking. I have knowledge in JavaScript, Angular and SQL which would allow me to work with your IT/analytics team to look at ways in which this technology could be integrated into your in house staff services which would offer you a greater level of control and monitoring.
Thinking outside the box and outside the classroom
I have developed a school farm from scratch. Not all schools can accommodate such a provision in their grounds but there is usually some form of outdoor learning that can take place. Outdoor spaces can be utilised for therapy and intervention, as well as creative educational resources for many subjects. The cross-curricular links are limitless. If you have an outdoor space you would like to develop or require staff training on how to safely manage students in an outdoor space, please get in touch. I can help you cut through any red tape.
Please contact me for a no obligation quote for services.
Tel: 07879882197
Email: contact@adelemary.com
or use this contact form